Thursday 21 November 2013

The television

The Television is a wonderful invention. It was invented by Baird. It is a part and parcel of every modern home. It is not cheap. Its price is very high. It is an addition to the Radio. On the radio we only listen. On the television, we listen as well as see. Pictures are sent by electric waves. There are programmes of all kinds. It presents news, dramas, songs, dances with pictures. It entertains us. It adds to our knowledge. It is a sort of cinema at home. It has made our life cheerful. Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of science. By sitting in our home, we can have access to the news of all the world. We can learn what has happened in the world in the previous one hour. On the other hand, it presents a lot of recreational programmes. After the exhaustions of the whole day, we can refresh ourselves by watching a comedy programme on the television. There  is an abundant variety of programme. Every person can choose a channel of his liking and can have diversion. The viewer can watch news broadcasting, talk-shoes, dramas, music programmes, speeches of the leaders. In short, it is an invention which has boredom.

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