Thursday 21 November 2013


Floods are as old mankind. The story of the greatest deluge, the flood of Hazrat Nooh (A.S) has been related in the Holy scriptures. Floods are natural phenomenon. People living in the river plains are often afflicated with floods during the rainy season. They are both creator and destroyer. In normal course, floods wash away the filth, dirt and excess salts, and transport them to the sea. During floods rivers bring silt and alluvial soil and deposit them along the banks and the deltas. They make the most fertile lands. The indus plain and the plain and delta of the Ganges are the most fertile parts of indopak. In many countries logs and lumbered wood are floated down during floods and brought to the factories. In Pakistan normal floods feed the irrigation system, and supply water to the head-works of the perennial canals. But more than often floods are destructive.Like earthquakes and volcanoes, flood is a natural calamity. They play havoc with human life and property. In Pakistan floods are considered natural hazards. The conservative people think them to be the visitation of wrath of God. No doubt, in the recent past, floods have proved very destructive and harmful. Hundreds of valuable human lives are lost; villages, live-stock and houses are washed away and destroyed. Standing crops are submerged under water or killed. Roads, bridges, dams and railway lines are broken or washed away. It is true time and tide wait for none. Their force and fury are so great and terrifying that all human efforts to save human lives and property are rendered helpless. People raise their hands in prayer to God and beg for His mercy. In Pakistan floods are very common. The indus and its tributaries are often in flood. Sometimes the floods are very destructive. They defy all protective measures. They erode the banks and silt the canals. The standing water creates grave problems of water-logging and salinity that pose serious. Threat for the agriculturists and a great challenge for the government. In spite of all scientific progress and man’s command over the forces of nature, he is helpless in facing the natural calamities. He dwindles into a dwarf against the gigantic forces. Indeed, God punishes man in many ways.

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