Thursday 21 November 2013

My hobby

A hobby is something that we do for pleasure in our spare time. My favourite hobby is stam-collecting. I collect new as well as old stamps. Now I have four albums of stamps. I do not spend much on stamps I have pen-friends all over the world. I exchange stamps with them. I learn much from this hobby. Each stamp tells me a story. I see pictures of birds and animals. I  see king and presidents. This hobby is a joy for me. It is full of knowledge. It is also a paying hobby. Sometimes, I have many stamps of the same kind. I sell some of them. A hobby is something that we do for pleasure in our spare time. There are many kinds of hobbies. Every man has his own hobby. My hobbies are gardening and photography. Gardening is a useful and cheap hobby. It is very difficult. I work in my small garden for one hour. I get flowers and vegetables from there. It is a good exercise also. Photography is a costly hobby. I have a camera. I spend my pocket-money buying films. I like to have snapshots of places and persons. This hobby is paying also. I can sell beautiful snapshots of natural scenery. These hobbies keep me busy and give me joy. Hobbies are those pastimes which are acquired to divert our attention from the regular work. These are meant to give enjoyment to the person. A clerk who suffers rebukes and insults from his officers can experienced immense pleasure is listening to the musing in his home. A student who is weary of studies can feel inexpressible pleasure in the play field. A professor after tiring lectures can feel immense pleasure by chatting with his colleagues over a cup of tea. Gardening, ticket or coin-collecting, reading books, keeping pets are names of hobbies which can divert us greatly after hard labour of our regular work. So, it is good for our bodily and mental heath that we should have some hobby.

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